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Our Approach

Let’s start with some questions, shall we?

As with other engineers, our “financial engineers” have very curious minds. After all, we can’t find the right solutions without asking the right questions. In fact, many new clients are surprised when we ask them what no one has before. The depth (and originality) of our discovery yield a wealth of information that helps us deliver bespoke planning. For example, how would you answer the following?

What worries keep you up at night?

How is the longevity of your
parents and grandparents?

If you travel, how many weeks per year and
what type of destinations?

What will your first year of retirement look like?
What will you do and how will you feel?

These are just some of the types of things we like to find out when we start a new client relationship. After all, financial planning isn’t just about money. It’s about your life and how you want to live it. And that requires us to fully understand you.

Working Together for a Holistic Analysis and Roadmap

Based on your answers and current financials, we consider the potential interplay of such strategies as retirement distribution, tax planning, strategic tax-efficient retirement distribution, social security, charitable giving and asset management to name a few. If you’re an executive, we evaluate things like equity compensation. Collectively, we work to fill in the blanks and make sure every detail is covered as we put together a comprehensive plan.

Helping You Understand and Feel Comfortable

Another cornerstone of our approach is the way in which we convey information. Our founder, Jerry David, has developed a kind of storytelling style that borrows analogies and anecdotes from popular culture, movies, engineering and just life in general. He has instilled in all of us the need to have conversations with clients that are relatable, human and even amusing. It puts you at ease and helps make the most informed decisions.